Sunday, June 01, 2008

The movie ”Beowulf” and Christian morality (Warning: possible spoiler)

On the IMDB message board for the 2007 movie Beowulf there is a thread that discusses the proposition that the movie contains an anti-christian element. There is, as anyone who has seen the movie should be able to attest, some truth to this. The characther Unferth, a Christian and a coward, is depicted in a very unflattering way and Christianity is heralded as the end to age of heroes.

When I saw the movie these anti-christian elements struck me as rather odd since the morality of the story is clearly influenced by a Christian morality. After watching the DVD extra-material, especially a segment called “The Origins of Beowulf”, I realised that the writers had made two major alterations to the Beowulf poem. The first was adding the anti-Christian element, the second was paradoxically to add the element of Hrothgar being Grendel’s father and Bewulf fathering the dragon wich eventually kills him.

Writer Roger Avary said that he felt that the theme of a father being haunted by “his brood” was a strong one. He might be right and I don’t want to criticise the writers for adding this element to draw the plot together. However I do feel this plot this plot to be the fruit of Judeo-Christian culture. In the story the basic moral failing of Hrothgar and Beowulf is that they are sexually tempted by Grendel’s mother. The result, in the view of Christian morals, of this sinful sexual union is the birth of the heroes’ nemesis that in the end brings about their demise. A sexual union between Beowulf and Grendel’s mother, who is portrayed as wery sexually alluring, would not be seen as sinful in a pagan worldview. In fact I believe that Beowulf would be applauded, by his pagan comrades, for his manliness in sleeping with her.

If the movie were, as the writers claim they wish it to be, a serious attempt at retelling the Beowulf saga without it’s Christian elements it fails as the Christian elements they throw out are simply replaced by other more well-hidden Christian elements. I must say that I’m surprised that Neil Gaiman, who I have come to see as an intelligent and keen-eyed writer, did not see this paradox in the movie as it stands. My suspicion is that Hollywood is not ready for a story that goes against deeply ingrained Judeo-Christian values and, despite Gaiman and Avary’s best intentions, made sure the movie portrayed an “acceptable” morality. Only the possibility for a living discussion of past and present moral systems suffers.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Feminisme? Hva er det?

Jeg har tenkt og lest ganske mye i det siste om feminisme og hva det er.

Aldri før har det tatt meg så lang tid å skjønne et plukk av en politisk-ideologisk retning før. Sosialisme, libertarianisme, kommunisme, sosial-demokrati, fascisme, nazisme. De er alle sammen ganske enkle å forstå. En skjønner i hvertfall fort hvor de vil.

Jeg har insett at grunnen til at jeg ikke har skjønt så mye av feminismen enda er at feminismen ikke helt vet hvor den vil. Den har ikke, det jeg har klart å finne ut, noe idealsamfunn. Ikke noe utopia.

Den har bare analysert seg fram til et problem: Kvinner og menn står ikke på likefot i samfunnet, kvinner har blitt underordnet og det både kan og bør vi gjøre noe med.

Det var da jeg innså at det er jeg jo enig i. Feminismen peker på et reelt problem som vi både kan og bør gjøre noe med. For kvinners skyld, men også for menns skyld. For alles skyld.

Det jeg ikke har forstått, og feministene ikke har blitt enige om er hvordan vi skal gjøre noe med det. The floor is now open...

Saturday, March 08, 2008

A New Hope

Inspired by my wonderful girlfriend is have decided to bring this blog back to life. I will probably make a few changes, possibly start writing most of it in Norwegian and other things. Time will show...

I would also like to send my thoughts to the family, friends and fans of Gary Gygax, co-creator of the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game. He died on March 4, 2008 at his home in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Cherish his memory.


Wednesday, May 09, 2007

No justice for African man in Norway

On the 7.september 2006 the police in Trondheim, Norway responded to a call to a social welfare office in the city. Here they arrested a 48yo African man. During the apprehension the four police officers used violent force, including strangleholds, to such a degree that the man died on the stairs of the building.

One of the police officers was investigated in 1999 because of rasiscm in a case involving an african woman he had arrested.

The officers were not suspended pending the investigation, but remained on active duty.

96% of all formal complaints against police officers in Norway are dropped by the Special Investigating Body for Police Matters.

On May 8th protests were held in the three largest Norwegian cities against the way this case has been handled by the Trondheim Chief of Police, the Special Investigating Body for Police Matters and the Minister of Justice.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The Libby story; a parallel to Nixon?

Just heard that Mr. Cheney's fomer chief of staff Lewis "Scooter" Libby was found guilty of perjury. Members of the jury say that it seemed like Libby was a fall guy. This begs the question: Who did he take the blame for?

Didn't former president Nixon also attempt to place the blame for Watergate on other people in his adminstration? Names like Haldeman, Erlichman, Dwigth Chapin and Ed Reinecke comes to mind.

To those of us obseving from outside the United States it seems like the US president is above law. At least as long as he has aides that can take the blame for him. Is this the way ordinary Americans want their country to be governed?

If America is going to bring Democracy to the world then there should be no doubt about the track record of American democracy. I am sure these revelations will seriously affect the way Europeans and others view the US

The world is watching...

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Monday, March 05, 2007

Returning from the grave...

It's hard to keep a blog going when there is little response to it...but

I just wanted to announce that i'll be back with exiting new updates to this blog very soon... (he he he...)

Check out my writing at

Be good...

Thursday, July 27, 2006

A Smile to the World

Damn it... It's been a while since i've written anything on this blog now. If i have any readers out there it might interest you to know that i'm still alive and kicking.

There will be more later...